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Hawaii Child Support Attorneys


Enforcing and Modifying Child Support Payments

After going through the pain of a divorce, one parent is likely to end up with primary custody of a child or children. Typically, the non-custodial parent will be responsible for paying child support to help pay for the needs and education of the child while the custodial parent is usually not required to account for the child support he or she receives. Child support is calculated based on many factors including the custodial and/or non-custodial parents’ income, the cost of child care, health care, and a number of other provisions. Additionally, the court may order the non-custodial parent to pay a share of the child or children's health care expenses, child care expenses, or education expenses, above and beyond basic child support. When a non-custodial parent does not pay their child support obligations, wage garnishments, property liens, income execution can be instituted through a court order or judgment.


If you need assistance in any legal matter involving child support, knowledgeable legal help is available to you from a Hawaii child support lawyer at any time.


Ohana Legal: Child Support Lawyers in Hawaii

Ohana Legal has the legal know-how and dedication to handle all types of divorce and family law issues. We care deeply about our clients and aggressively seek to fully represent their rights and best interests. Contact a Hawaii child support attorney today for assistance with your child support matter.








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